MOXIE Dynamic Solutions (MOXIE) has been incorporated since 2006 with registered number MA0101710-X and is physically based in Melaka, Malaysia. MOXIE is a company that is owned and operated by bumiputra personnel. We also implement our business processes to match our customers’s true world needs and provide benefits to them.
MOXIE manager’s backgrounds also play an important role in settings the company target and goals. This is because to ensure that our company give our valued customer a maximum satisfaction in dealing business with us. We also try to give unique ideas or suggestions for our customer in making their decision, related to our products and services. Precisely, our team also composed of proficient people who are dedicated to create value around user experience and knowledge.
MISSION – We served our valued customers with full efficiency and commitment for a better and higher customer’s satisfaction.
VISION– To construct and develop Information Technology services into one human needs.
OBJECTIVE – Provides a full range of high quality of services parallel with our experienced personnel.
CONCEPT – Our main responsibilities to guarantee a high performance of services to deliver to customers.
MOXIE would be grateful if you could consider our participation in any relevant scope of work in future. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any request or inquiry. Thank you.